variable "kubernetes_cluster_ca_certificate" { description = "Cluster CA certificate for Kubernetes API server" type = string sensitive = true } variable "kubernetes_host" { description = "Host of the Kubernetes API server" type = string } variable "kubernetes_token" { description = "Kubernetes Bearer token" type = string sensitive = true } variable "postgres_host" { description = "Postgres host" type = string } variable "postgres_sslmode" { description = "SSL mode to use in Postgres" type = string default = "require" } variable "postgres_admin_user" { description = "Postgres management user with DB create and user create privileges" type = string } variable "postgres_admin_password" { description = "Postgres management user password" type = string sensitive = true } variable "postgres_user" { description = "Postgres user to be created for Strapi" default = "strapi" type = string } variable "postgres_password" { description = "Password for Strapi Postgres user" type = string sensitive = true }