variable "host" { description = "Hostname for Hompeage" type = string } variable "namespace" { description = "Namespace to deploy Homepage to" type = string default = "default" } variable "volumes" { description = "Additional volumes to mount to the pod, useful to display storage" type = list(object({ name = string persistent_volume_claim = optional(string, "") host_path = optional(object({ path = string type = optional(string, "Directory") }), { path = "", type = "Directory" }) mount_path = string read_only = optional(bool, true) })) default = [] } variable "ingress_annotations" { description = "Annotations to add to the Ingress" type = map(string) default = {} } variable "services_config" { description = "Configuration file for services" type = list( map( list( map( object({ icon = string href = optional(string) namespace = optional(string) app = optional(string) podSelector = optional(string, "") widget = optional(object({ type = optional(string) url = optional(string) key = optional(string) username = optional(string) password = optional(string) })) }) ) ) ) ) default = [] } variable "widgets_config" { description = "Configuration for widgets" type = list(map(object({ // resources label = optional(string) cpu = optional(bool, false) memory = optional(bool, false) disk = optional(string) // kubernetes cluster = optional(object({ show = optional(bool, false) cpu = optional(bool, false) memory = optional(bool, false) showLabel = optional(bool, false) label = optional(string, "") })) nodes = optional(object({ show = optional(bool, false) cpu = optional(bool, false) memory = optional(bool, false) showLabel = optional(bool, false) })) // datetime text_size = optional(string) format = optional(object({ timeStyle = optional(string) hour12 = optional(bool, false) })) }))) default = [] } variable "settings" { description = "General Homepage settings" type = object({ title = optional(string) base = optional(string) background = optional(string) backgroundOpacity = optional(string) theme = optional(string) layout = list( object({ name = string icon = optional(string) style = optional(string) columns = optional(number) }) ) }) } variable "bookmarks" { description = "Bookmarks to show in Homepage" type = list(map(any)) default = [] } variable "docker_config" { description = "Homepage Docker config (for reusability of configuration)" type = map(any) default = {} } variable "kubernetes_config" { description = "Kubernetes service config" type = object({ mode = string }) default = { mode = "cluster" } }