variable "namespace" { description = "Namespace to deploy MariaDB" type = string default = "default" } variable "mariadb_root_user" { description = "Username for the root user" default = "root" type = string } variable "mariadb_root_password" { description = "Password for the `root` user" type = string sensitive = true } variable "mariadb_user" { description = "Username for the user" default = "user" type = string } variable "mariadb_password" { description = "Password for the user" type = string sensitive = true } variable "mariadb_db" { description = "Name of the default database" type = string sensitive = true } variable "stateful_set_name" { description = "Name of StatefulSet" type = string default = "mariadb" } variable "match_labels" { description = "Match labels to add to the MariaDB deployment, will be merged with labels" type = map(any) default = {} } variable "labels" { description = "Labels to add to the MariaDB deployment" type = map(any) default = {} } variable "volum_claim_template_name" { description = "Name to use for the volume claim template" type = string default = "mariadb-pvc" } variable "replicas" { description = "Replicas to deploy in the MariaDB StatefulSet" type = number default = 1 } variable "storage_size" { description = "Storage size for the StatefulSet PVC" type = string default = "10Gi" } variable "storage_class_name" { description = "Storage class to use for MariaDB PVCs" type = string default = "" } variable "image_registry" { description = "Image registry, e.g.," type = string default = "" } variable "image_repository" { description = "Image to start for this pod" type = string default = "bitnami/mariadb" } variable "image_tag" { description = "Image tag to use" type = string default = "10.10.2" } variable "container_name" { description = "Name of the MariaDB container" type = string default = "mariadb" } variable "enable_service" { description = "Enable service for MariaDB" type = bool default = true } variable "service_name" { description = "Name of service to deploy" type = string default = "mariadb" } variable "service_type" { description = "Type of service to deploy" type = string default = "ClusterIP" }