variable "namespace" { description = "Namespace to deploy workloads and configuration" type = string default = "default" } variable "match_labels" { description = "Match labels to add to the MariaDB deployment, will be merged with labels" type = map(any) default = {} } variable "server_labels" { description = "Labels to add to the Woodpecker server deployment" type = map(any) default = {} } variable "agent_labels" { description = "Labels to add to the Woodpecker agent deployment" type = map(any) default = {} } variable "image_registry" { description = "Image registry, e.g.," type = string default = "" } variable "server_image_repository" { description = "Image to start for the server" type = string default = "woodpeckerci/woodpecker-server" } variable "server_image_tag" { description = "Image tag to for the server" type = string default = "v0.15.6" } variable "agent_image_repository" { description = "Image to start for the agent" type = string default = "woodpeckerci/woodpecker-agent" } variable "agent_image_tag" { description = "Image tag to use for the agent" type = string default = "v0.15.6" } variable "woodpecker_agent_replicas" { description = "Number of agent replicas to deploy, setting to zero will disable agent deployment" type = number default = 2 } variable "woodpecker_host" { description = "Woodpecker host in :// format" type = string } variable "woodpecker_admin" { description = "Comma-delimited list of Woodpecker admin users" type = string } variable "woodpecker_open" { description = "Open Woodpecker registrations" type = bool default = true } variable "woodpecker_orgs" { description = "Comma-delimited list of organizations granted to use Woodpecker" type = string default = "" } variable "woodpecker_gitea" { description = "Enable Woodpecker Gitea integration" type = bool default = false } variable "woodpecker_gitea_url" { description = "Gitea URL" type = string default = "" } variable "woodpecker_gitea_client" { description = "Gitea client ID" type = string default = "" } variable "woodpecker_gitea_secret" { description = "Gitea client secret" type = string default = "" } variable "woodpecker_database_driver" { description = "Woodpecker database driver" type = string default = "postgres" } variable "woodpecker_database_datasource" { description = "Database URL" type = string default = "" }